(some pizza I was eating, at 3:01 PM... on 10/23/20, along with some paintings that my dad had had... for many years, that were resting on the floor... ...for transport, to storage)
I am curious as to who may have been covering the expenses, of the storage... of my dad's paintings, furniture (golden yellow, Italian-leather couches) and vehicles (Mercedes Benz and Range Rover), since I left University City, MO... on 10/25/20...

11:49 PM (3/20/22): "Some mail that I was examining, on 9/21/20... at 9:22 AM... from NJ FamilyCare, my present health insurance program..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:33 AM (3/21/22): "Interesting time interval calculation, given that this mail arrived... 18 months ago, as of today..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:52 PM (8/12/22): 

9:43 AM (11/22/22):
(1 of 2)

(2 of 2)
(two snapshots of a notice, that there was a removal of my portable spacetime house - from YouTube)
Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos (the audio was censored, on this secondary upload... even though the one made to YouTube, was as of 7/26/22... to my recollection... The song playing had been 'Try Me,' by the artist 'The Weeknd')

9:52 AM (11/22/22):
(the audio for this YouTube upload, could be 'fresher'... given that such seems to be 'watered-down')

10:09 AM (11/22/22):
I submitted the following comment, upon the 'optional request':
"The video features footage of myself, along with cars in the parking lot... of my former apartment complex, in University City, MO... as well as the interior of my prior apartment, and some photos of me... with the song 'Try Me,' by the music artist 'The Weeknd'... playing in the background... This does not constitute harassment, and cyberbullying..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:18 AM (11/22/22):
Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/773837135) 
"I have just uploaded the content of the initial upload, to VIMEO... regarding the 'above video'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:05 PM (11/22/22):
"I 'aired' my portable spacetime house video, via VIMEO... for 5 hours, today... I am awaiting the results, of the 'pending review'... for my YouTube upload, of such..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I noticed today, that there somehow has been a limitation of uploads... to VIMEO... Before my observation, there was a weekly limit of 500 MB's worth of uploads (with a 5 GB account cap/limit)... ...I am wondering what the basis for this variation, is... given such seems strange, and abrupt...

3:22 PM (11/22/22):
(A snapshot of my primary VIMEO account, which 'presently' contains 32 video uploads)

6:34 AM (11/25/22):
(1 of 2)

(2 of 2)

NOTE #1:
I do not agree with the verdict, of this appeal... and have concluded that someone who is 'aesthetically challenged,' reached that conclusion...
...How in the world is footage of nice cars and architecture, grounds for 'inappropriate content'... Whoever rendered that verdict, is not with Jesus Christ (in the context, of the term 'misattribution')...
NOTE #2:
Despite the 'copyright claim' due to the song, the video should not have been removed.. Such had been intended, for public viewership... There was no thorough and sensible, explanation... for that action...

6:40 AM (11/25/22):

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’…” – Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)

6:57 AM (11/25/22): 
"If there's something wrong with 'online property viewership,' then there should be a universal means... for ascertaining this..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:03 PM (12/2/22):
This footage features me, viewing my 'former apartment'... via an alternative phone...

9:33 AM (2/13/23):
"Footage of my 'portable spacetime house (former apartment),' is visible... via post #5, of this Reddit account..." - Michael Izuchukwu
